Evan slept great last night after a busy couple of days. He was having a bottle as I was leaving for work this morning. Chad said that he was crabby this morning. I can't wait for those teeth to come through! This afternoon Evan and I played on the floor. He doesn't really like tummy time but I put him on his tummy anyway. It helps strengthen his neck muscles and gives him more control and coordination over his body. He hasn't rolled over yet but I know it's coming soon! We had a bath today too. I washed Evan's hair twice and it still smells like the baptism oil. I wonder how long his hair will smell like patchouli?
Evan is discovering his voice! He plays on the floor and squeals and yells to his heart's content! Most of the time the noises are happy but Evan sure lets us know if he needs something! Evan likes to play with toy keys and rattles and he likes the exersaucer but he is terrified of the clear bead tube on it. Evan also prefers sitting up over laying back.
Last week Evan started discovering his feet at diaper time. He will grab onto them and hold on. I even saw him with his feet in his mouth a few times! Such a silly boy...
Okay, Evan is asleep and I have to head to bed also. I am going to Cheryl's house tomorrow so I will try to update before then.