Here it is! The first room in our house to be "done" and I am so excited, I can't wait for Peanut to get here and use the nursery! Next I will be finishing the bathroom and working on the guest/craft room so I can get working on the diaper stacker and Peanut's birth announcements, if I can make them turn out like the picture in my head they're going to be adorable! If you want to see more pics of the nursery, look me up on Facebook! They're all uploaded there, but I seem to be having trouble getting my memory card to communicate with my computer in order to upload any more pics:(
In other news, I did have to retake the glucose test, which took FOREVER! I went in last Wednesday the 24th after fasting the previous night and had a blood draw as soon as I got to the clinic, drank a stronger version of the glucose, and had to wait. They drew blood after 1, 2, and 3 hours, so four more pokes. I was excited, not! I did, however, get to catch up on my tabloid gossip and knitted a few rows of Peanut's baby blanket I'm making. I got the call from my Doc today and she told me I don't have gestational diabetes, which is a huge relief, but that my 1 hour levels were high again. Basically I need to start eating healthier than I have been, and keep with the program! Otherwise, it could mean trouble for me and Peanut when it comes closer to delivery time because he may be bigger than expected, which may mean that I have to be induced, which means drugs, and I don't want the drugs! I have read too many birth stories where being induced with Pitocin can cause contractions to be too strong and it wears the mother out too fast that she asks for the pain meds which tend to slow down labor, and birth takes longer then it would have if it had been natural. So let's pray that I don't need meds!
Last Wednesday the 24th was also Chad's 30th birthday! We hung out at his parent's house during the day, actually just Chad and Cody did while I spent the day at the clinic, then we met up with some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings and celebrated! I had to leave the party early since I had to work early the next day, but it's probably better that I did... it's not much fun being the only sober one :( Oh well, I will get to have my fun again soon...
Sunday was my nephew Tyson's second birthday and it was a very bittersweet day for me. I remember 6 years ago at my niece's second birthday, Taye and I made a video of her. Taye and Alina had a conversation that went like this:
T: Alina, how old are you?
A:I have a birthday. I blow my candles.
T: Alina, are you seven?
A: Yes, I seben.
T: Alina, are you four?
A: Yes, I four.
T: Alina, are you two?
A: Yes, I two. Two!
The party was nice, there were lots of people there and it made me glad to know that there are so many people out there that love my nephew. I ended up leaving in tears, however, after people started doing drugs in the house full of relatives and kids. The first time it happened, I made it clear to my sister that I did not approve and that it put my husband's job in jeopardy. Chad left for work, the kids wend swimming, and I hung out with my sister. The kids came back, it was time for cake and presents, and where was my sister? In the house "smokin" for about 10 minutes while the party guests looked for her so whey could get the party wrapped up and be on their way. I left before she came out and sat in my car and bawled. I mean, it's one thing if you want to participate in illegal drug use in your home when you are home by yourself. It's completely another when you choose to do it in your home when you have other people and their children in your home. It is simply unacceptable! Especially when you know that at least one of those people objects to it as strongly as my sister knows I do, and besides that being pregnant! It just shows a very strong lack of respect for your guests. If one of the party-goers wants to do it, simply tell them that they can wait until the party wraps up. It's pretty much over after cake and presents anyway, right? So that is my rant for the day, 24 hours later and I am still so mad about this! My mom tried to call me and calm the water but it didn't help. I told her that if she wants to keep her family civil and her daughters speaking as much as she says she does, she needs to talk to my sister because of how disrespectful she was to me. Okay, time to let it go.
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