25 August 2009

Week 37 update

A few weeks ago Chad and I went up to Betty and Denny's cabin on Castle Rock Lake. Peanut and I spent a day out on a pontoon boat. Here we are :)
I am now in week 37, yay! Which means that Peanut has, at most, 28 days left to cook in my belly. I will be so glad when I can finally hold him in my arms instead of my belly! His room is REALLY all ready, we have a fair amount of cloth diapers that are stuffed and ready to go, Pooh Bear is holding down the Exersaucer, and the bassinet is painted and ready to go. It took 2 cans of spray paint to cover that darned bassinet! I painted the outside brown. The lining is pink which is super adorable, it just means that if Peanut is a boy, he will have to live with a pink bassinet. Not that he'll even be able to tell, but still!

We are using a few disposable diapers that we'll be using in the beginning, mostly because I have heard that the Bum Genius don't tend to fit newborns very well, and because we are still looking to get a few more. If for some reason I have a hard labor, I definitely don't want to be washing diapers every day! We have all the supplies we need though, and we were fortunate to have gotten a great deal on our BG's through a local kid's resale shop. We will be using cloth wipes too, after we run out of the disposable ones we have, and I must say that even I have noticed how rough disposable wipes are on my skin compared to the cloth ones, so I can imagine how rough they must feel for a baby, having something that rough on his delicate new skin. Ouch! Aren't they adorable though? Can't wait to use them:) BTW There are pink ones since the person we bought them from had a girl, but we are planning on getting a few blue ones also which we will use no matter what gender Peanut is. A diaper is a diaper, right?!

On 8/15 Betty held a baby shower for me, and I had a great time! Delicious food and great family, what more could a girl ask for? Peanut got some great gifts too, including a Brewers onesie that Chad can't wait to put on him, and a Mickey toy from Uncle Cody. How cute are they?!

We got our car seat after that, and I must say it's like a baby Cadillac! It's the Graco Snug Ride 32 in Bombay from Babies R Us, and it looks so comfy I wish I could sit in it, lol! The SR32 is currently the safest infant seat on the market, since it goes rear-facing until baby reaches 32 lb/in, while most other seats only go to 25-30 lbs and 28-30 in. I am counting on Chad lugging Peanut around in this seat for a good long while, lol! Isn't it super adorable?
After we got the car seat ready, I figured we should have our hospital bags ready to go too, just in case Peanut wants so come early, which would be fine by me! I don't have any pics of my bag, but Peanut's bag is ready to go!

If Peanut is a girl she will come home in this dress with bloomers, sweater, and cute little socks:)

If Peanut is a boy he will come home in one of these onesies that say "I love Mommy" or "I love Daddy", pants, jacket if he needs it, and socks:)

Also in Peanut's diaper bag are no-scratch mittens, a few diapers, wipes, a first aid kit, thermometer, and medicine dropper. I doubt we will need it all, it's just in case!

Now for the important details: I had a Dr. appt. on 8/16 and the Dr. did an ultrasound to make sure Peanut was head down, which he was, and she did a GBS test on me and checked me. I was "a fingertip" but still long and closed. I had another appt. yesterday, 8/24 and she did another u/s to make sure Peanut was still head down, which he was. He was also partially engaged, which means that he has started descending into my pelvis to be born, but that he could still wiggle his way out of there. She did the internal check, and I was 1cm and 20% effaced, which means that I am making progress! I also don't have the GBS, which means I don't need I.V. antibiotics during labor to protect Peanut from it. Peanut is moving a lot still, but his movements aren't as random ass they used to be, since he's so squished in my belly. He gets hiccups at least every day, some days he gets them 3-4 times even! He likes to stick his butt out and make my belly lop-sided, and he likes when Chad talks to him before bed every night. Chad and I went for a walk last night after dinner, and I hope to get into a routine with him of walking every night, even after Peanut gets here, but mostly now before he gets here, since the motion of me walking can help him get his little head into position and help lock it in place for birth. I have been having lots of pain in my hips and pelvis which hopefully is my little Peanut getting ready to make his big debut! Next Dr. appt. is Wednesday 9/3 and if Peanut doesn't come sooner than that, I will let you all know how it goes! Pray for dilation and a safe, early delivery:)

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