15 September 2009

40 week update

As of today, 15September 2009, I have made it full term with my pregnancy. I just can't wait to meet my Peanut, and I may get to meet him today! I had an ultrasound Friday to check Peanut's size. He was measuring at 9lb 7oz! I had to wait until Monday to talk to my Dr. about what the results meant, and what she told me is that Peanut was measuring big, which would not be a reason for concern, but that there was low amniotic fluid, which was reason for concern. So she set me up with an appointment to be checked. I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, which would mean that I would need a lot of help if I were induced then, so the Dr. wanted me to have another u/s today. The u/s is scheduled for 1:30 and they will page my Dr. right away with the results, and she will decide if she wants to induce me today or wait a few days to see if I go into labor on my own.

Right now, Chad and I are making sure our bags are packed and our house and cats are taken care of in case I do get induced today, because I don't want him to have to leave to take care of anything other than me until it's time for our little family to come home from the hospital together. I know that's not realistic or rational, but I must admit that I haven't been very rational these days. The hormones made me do it.

If I don't have a baby tonight, I will come home and let you all know what the next step is. If there's no update, it most likely means that I'm having the baby, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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