13 September 2009

Overdue week 39 update

I had my 39 week appt. on Thursday, it was a regular checkup and since I was past 39 wks the Dr. agreed to strip my cervix. Now if you've never heard of this or had it done, the rest of this paragraph might be too much info for you so skip to the next one. Otherwise continue reading. When you are "stripped" the Dr. takes a gloved finger and moves it around the inside of your cervix, stripping the bag of fluid that the baby is in away from the opening of your cervix. This is done to encourage stretching and dilation, but it is VERY PAINFUL! The procedure brought tears to my eyes and I did have some bleeding, which my Dr. said was a good sign. She told me that if it worked, it would do so within 24 hours. Well, it's now Sunday and I'm still pregnant. I have been losing my mucous plug over the last 3 days though, so maybe that's a good sign?
At my appt. I was 1-2 cm dilated and baby's head was very low. My Dr. was concerned about Peanut being too big so she scheduled me for a growth ultrasound, and I also got a flu shot which still hurts at the injection site! I had the growth u/s on Friday and Peanut was measuring a whopping 9lb 7oz! Holy cow, I think this kid wants me to have the drugs since he's so big! Maybe once I agree to the drugs he'll decide to come? Anyway, I am hoping that due to Peanut being so big I can convince my Dr. to induce me on Tuesday, my due date.
In other news, our house is still coming together slowly, we have agreed that we will buy a bookshelf for the living room and start unpacking those boxes of books, and I have finally unpacked my teapots and hand washed them, next is to display them on the dresser in the dining room. At least until Peanut is big enough to reach them, then I will have to come up with a different place for them!
Chad and I spent the day with my parents, Chad watched baseball and football all day while I spent some nice time with my mom. I had her take a nice picture of me and Chad too.

Isn't he a sweetie?!

Well folks, that's all for now, it's late and I must head to bed and try to get some sleep before Peanut decides to make his appearance. If nothing happens, then I will post an update on Tuesday when I am officially "due".

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